I have taken hutch no 9899487999 on September
Dear sir,
I have taken hutch no 9899487999 on September, and within 25 days of taking
connection, my outgoing as well as incoming call get disconnected. So when I
call customer care first time around 5or 6 October 2005, they told me that I
have crossed my call limit, when I asked how much of call I have made till
date, he said around RS 360, so I asked I will pay it whenever I receive
it, he said he cant do it, I have to wait till I received my bill, and paid
So again I call CC he said same thing, so I asked him to disconnect my services.
He said ok, and I told him that adjust my bill with RS 250, which hutch
executive has promises me that will adjust in bill, or cash back. So from that
time I am using other mobile no. Now I in December I received a call from
Hutch, asking me to pay some due amount which is RS 159. I paid it using
cheque, Again in 15 Feb I received a bill for period from 8 October to Feb.,
This is the period I never use hutch sim card not even I receive or make
outgoing call. So I called again, and told him to deactivate it, he said go to
HUTCH shop and gave it in written, I asked him to deactivate my services from
your side, also I will submit my request, so when I visit Hutch shop in metro,
they say they cant accept this. So I was not able to submit my request in
written, and then I never got a call, so I belive it that My number got
disconnected now, But again in May 24,2006 I receive a Bill of Rs 1419,. So
again I called hutch care, he asked me to fax that I didn’t want this
connection, or else visit any nearest Hutch shop, i.e in Preet Vihar, But he
didn’t resolve my issue of bill adjustment. So Again I called Hutch customer
care, and spoke with customer care executive, she said the bill is generated
only if I have made a call, and I can check my call details from www.hutch.in,
My hutch option,?
when I fill sign up form and click on submit, it says :
this error “Sorry! The number you are trying to register is not a valid post
paid number."
So if your server is saying that my number is not valid post paid number than,
how could they generate a bill against this. I have print screen for same, or
else you can check at your side by just registering using my number.
The bill which Hutch has generated is totally of no sense, as
out of this bill, I have not make a single call, then how can anybody pay the
bill, If HUTCH has disconnected my services from 6 of October 2005, then how
could company could charge a bill after that period, also I have made request
on phone, as I mention earlier, So I want to Know why taking a connection is
so easy, but to disconnect is so torturing, and irritating and harassing. All
this make me mentally disturb, I want to know did Hutch will pay for the
mental agony, and harassment I face after taking Hutch connection, and will
this company pay for the loss I face due to disconnection of services.
I want the response, else I have to take severe action, probably I am goint to
consumer court rather then paying bill of Rs 1419, which I receive.
Ashish Kandari